Important geological measurements 3D seismic Southern Palatinate.

In October 2022, the 3D seismic was carried out in the Southern Palatinate for around two weeks. We measured the underground to obtain an accurate picture of the geological conditions on site. To do this, we laid out geophones that precisely registered the sound waves generated for measurement. The measuring vehicles first drive along the specified and authorised roads and paths. The controlled measurements are then taken approximately every 50 metres, with a single measurement process taking a total of one to two minutes and the measurement itself only about 40 seconds.
These measurements are used for quality assurance. The recorded data also gives geologists a very precise picture (analogous to an ultrasound measurement) of where the largest reservoirs for deep thermal water are located and how they can be reached most safely. The measurement area included parts of the municipalities of Landau, Offenbach an der Queich, Herxheim, Insheim, Impflingen, Rohrbach and Billigheim-Ingenheim.


3D seismic What is a 3D seismic and how does it work?

A 3D seismic is a geophysical exploration of the subsurface. Accordingly, vibro-trucks drive along roads and paths in the exploration area. They use a lowerable vibration plate to generate seismic waves, which are then injected into the ground. These waves are refracted by different layers of rock underground, reflected and then recorded by the geophones. The measuring network, made up of measuring and vibration points, determines the distribution of the points and is also adapted to the infrastructural conditions on site. In addition to the existing road network, this also includes pipeline networks, specifications relevant to nature conservation law, potential old explosive ordnance, the location of sensitive buildings, etc. Based on the data obtained using this method, the geological structures in the subsurface can be determined using further complex analyses and modelling.

3D seismic Why do you need a 3D seismic?

A 3D seismic enables a more precise and comprehensive recording of the geological structures and layering in the underground. Using this method, we can therefore locate hot water reservoirs. Only on the basis of this complex data is it possible to determine optimal locations for the sustainable and safe extraction of heat and lithium from thermal water.
Information about the structure and composition of the earth’s interior is therefore essential for the successful realisation of our geothermal project.
By the way: Seismology is the technique of using seismic waves to obtain information about the subsurface, while seismicity describes the observable earthquake activity in a region.

3D seismic Why do we also measure in urban areas?

We also have to lay out geophones and take measurements in places where no power station or drilling site is being built. This is the only way to achieve a comprehensive picture of the underground. After all, all geophones pick up sound waves.

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